
Initiatives, events and special projects developed by the Gershoni team.

Dyslexic Design Thinking : Gil Gershoni explores the benefits of applying the dyslexic mindset to creative problem-solving

Gil Gershoni explores the benefits of applying the dyslexic mindset to creative problem-solving

Banner for Dyslexic Design Thinking, made up of red, green, yellow and blue squares, each with a design of an open eye.
Dyslexic Style Guide : A style guide for the neurodivergent & neurocurious

A style guide for the neurodivergent & neurocurious

Dyslexic Style Guide Thumbnail
Dyslexic Dictionary : A reference source containing interpretations of words and phrases as seen through the lens of dyslexia

A reference source containing interpretations of words and phrases as seen through the lens of dyslexia

Dyslexic Dictionary Thumb
San Francisco Magazine Party : Gershoni Creative and San Francisco magazine celebrate the city’s most stylish individuals

Gershoni Creative and San Francisco magazine celebrate the city’s most stylish individuals

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Article : Embracing Dyslexia? It’s as Easy as 1, 3, 2.

Embracing Dyslexia? It’s as Easy as 1, 3, 2.

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Article : What is Dyslexic Design Thinking?

What is Dyslexic Design Thinking?

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Graphic Content : An exclusive salon series for Bay Area designers, co-presented with AIGA SF

An exclusive salon series for Bay Area designers, co-presented with AIGA SF

Fourteen people posing for a photo in Gershoni's Dome for the Graphic Content salon series, co-hosted by AIGA SF.
Article : The Power of Visualizing as a Tool for Creativity

The Power of Visualizing as a Tool for Creativity

An abstract collage of colorful shapes, black ink and Gil Gershoni's face, representing the process of visualization.
South By Southwest : Gil Gershoni and April Durrett introduce Austin's annual conference to Dyslexic Design Thinking

Gil Gershoni and April Durrett introduce Austin's annual conference to Dyslexic Design Thinking

Portrait of Gil Gershoni and April Durrett for their lecture on Dyslexic Design Thinking at South By Southwest.
Article : Solve Team Work-From-Home Stress with Dyslexic Design Thinking

Solve Team Work-From-Home Stress with Dyslexic Design Thinking

Screenshot of 4 Gershoni team members holding random objects to the camera as part of the Creative Intervention series.
Quarantunes : Hear what it sounds like when our studio shelters in your place

Hear what it sounds like when our studio shelters in your place

Screengrab from an AdForm interview with Amy Gershoni. She has short, dark hair and red lipstick.
The Dyslexic Experience Salon : A salon series dedicated to the unique advantages of the dyslexic mindset

A salon series dedicated to the unique advantages of the dyslexic mindset

Gil Gershoni seated, surrounded by six people in conversation. The Dyslexic Experience logo is in the lower corner.
Article : I Was Always Told My Dyslexia Was a Disability. Then I Developed a Relationship With It.

I Was Always Told My Dyslexia Was a Disability. Then I Developed a Relationship With It.

Wall in the offices of Gershoni Creative covered in papers that read, "i am me!" "read between the clues" and "fuck feelings.
Article : How Leading With Neurodiversity Improves the Workplace Dance

How Leading With Neurodiversity Improves the Workplace Dance

A pile of polaroid photos stacked on top of one another showing the Gershoni team in various states of work and play.
Article : The Truth About Big-Picture Thinkers

The Truth About Big-Picture Thinkers

Distorted photograph of Gil Gershoni taken in a mirror.
Toast & Jam : An evening of music, wine & damn-fine folk

An evening of music, wine & damn-fine folk

A woman in a black dress with a pattern of peaches sings alongside a big brass band.
Talking While High : A conversation series exploring topics of artistic and social importance

A conversation series exploring topics of artistic and social importance

A light-skinned hands holds a handful of buttons with affirmations like, "Being present" and "Connecting things."
Article : Dyslexic Entrepreneurs Are Successful By Any Measure. It's All in the Way We Think.

Dyslexic Entrepreneurs Are Successful By Any Measure. It's All in the Way We Think.

An illustration of a night sky with drawings meant to look like constellations, including a hamburger and a smiley-face.
AdForum : Amy Gershoni & How to Inspire the Next Gen of Female Leaders

Amy Gershoni & How to Inspire the Next Gen of Female Leaders

Screengrab from an AdForm interview with Amy Gershoni. She has short, dark hair and red lipstick.
The Bold Italic : Magazine launch party and pop-up shop

Magazine launch party and pop-up shop

A person in a pink and green bird costume poses in a dark room for the launch of the Bold Italic.
SF Design Week : An Evening of Wine, Dyslexic Design Thinking and a Tour of Gershoni Creative

An Evening of Wine, Dyslexic Design Thinking and a Tour of Gershoni Creative

Gil Gershoni giving a lecture on Dyslexic Design Thinking. The DDT logo is in the lower left corner of the image.
AdForum : Gershoni Creative Co-Founder Gil Gershoni Talks Culture & Success

Gershoni Creative Co-Founder Gil Gershoni Talks Culture & Success

Screengrab from an AdForm interview with Gil Gershoni. He is wearing a dark suit and eyeglasses.