Launch Lab

Packaging the science of starting strong
Exhibits & Experiential
Illustration & Graphics
Cover of the Launch Lab curriculum. The booklet is a vibrant green with a simple illustration of the solar system.
Photo of a rocket ship as it breaks through the atmosphere.
Deloitte Launch Lab

Deloitte Greenhouse is a global innovation lab that trains teams and executives to optimize teamwork and reach ambitious objectives through innovative live and virtual experiences.

Two pages from the Launch Lab curricula. On the left is a photo of an astronaut with the the title, "Make changes." On the right is a photo of skydivers.
Close-up of an illustration of the solar system on a bright green background.
Spread of the Launch Lab curricula opened to a page reading, "Connect to the purpose." There is a photo of a rocketship.
Photo of an astronaut with Earth behind him. On the left side of the page, it reads "Ambition, Action, Team."
Deloitte Launch Lab

Deloitte Greenhouse needed to translate a piece of behavioral science research into an immersive curriculum, for an experiential product that was flexible enough to engage teams anywhere in the world.

Overhead shot of 9 Launch Lab curricula opened to a photo of the Milky Way, the Business Chemistry guide, and other pages.
Close-up view of the Launch Lab curriculum. 3 astronauts walk across a dark landscape.
Deloitte Launch Lab

Gershoni developed a visual identity system that distilled Deloitte’s hard behavioral science research into immersive trainings and curricula.

We paired the identity with a suite of digital collateral and an experiential print tool kit that made the material scalable from the get-go. We transformed the experience into a tactile roadshow, allowing Greenhouse facilitators to take the experience out of the labs and directly to their clients around the globe.

Installation of 8 photographs of astronauts and space exploration displayed on large flat-screens.
Installation of 7 photographs of astronauts and space exploration displayed on large flat-screens.


Antech : The heart of veterinary innovation

The heart of veterinary innovation

Brown dog licks a blonde, tattooed woman on the ear. White Antech logo is in the lower left corner.
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